hello, this is my cool website!

noob at website coding so its not much.

under construction

a bit about this website

i was a little bit bored so i said "hmmm, why not make a website?" and then i made one. hopefully i can add more content but for now its just this page with some text and nothing to do.

Free ram!




for this bit, i'm gonna write stuff every day (if i can)

Thursday 23rd May 2024: so i walk up to school and then i get a new timetabel lmao. but skool is not permenant, but fortnite is! new season on 24th is gonna be cracked. also fallout collab gonna be kool. but anyway i have to do work >:( bye.

Tuesday 27th August 2024: Summer finished about a week ago and now im back in school. it sucks but at least i have this website to work on. the last fortnite season was bad and the cars were way too overpowered. this season is marvel themed, and its really good so far! im hoping venom will come back to the item shop though. also play CLASH OF CLANS!!!!

Monday 25th November 2024: i have not been updating the website much, working on a revamp soon. regardless, i got venom in fortnite and a new skin called fishpool (who is very cool). I am hoping to make the website betterand also add more moving things and funky text. cya. also im not fixing the grammatical errors because i dont care